How to Write PRDs (that works): An Invite-only Workshop by Flipkart Director of Product Management, Navendu

Product Requirement Docs, i.e. PRDs are like gym subscriptions.

Just because you have it doesn’t mean you are going to use it.

Anybody who has spent more than a few days building products knows that PRDs do not get read by engineering teams.

Most of the times.

Actually, almost all the time.

So, how can one write PRDs with outcomes? What makes a PRD, engineering-team friendly to ensure they read and give it the same importance as product managers.

What will it take for product managers to stop being PRD-writers and become outcome driven?

Join us for an invite-only workshop (in partnership with FWD) by Navendu Sharma, Director of Product Management @Flipkart.

Date: April 17th (Saturday)
Timing: 5 – 6 PM
Who is it for: Product Managers, Founders and Product Engineers.
Pricing: Free
Apply for the invite (use the form below).

The workshop is being done in partnership with FWD app.

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