Chitkara University to issue e-documents via Blockchain Technology

Chandigarh based Chitkara University, a University Grants Commission (UGC) recognized private university offering multi-disciplinary industry relevant programs, has today announced that it has started adopting the Blockchain technology to issue e-documents for student’s benefit.blockchain

By doing so, Chitkara becomes the first university in India and will be among the handful educational institutes in the world to issue and verify useful academic documents for students via Blockchain.

Blockchain is a shared, secured and public ledger system that is the most talked about database in the world today. It is a sequential transaction database that is crowd managed with every transaction bunched into a block, validated with timestamps and stored using strong cryptography.

This development is the result of the university adopting HashDegree, a blockchain technology enabled solution from Hashcove which is a subsidiary of Indian fintech major uTrade solutions.

What is Blockchain

Watch out this video for more on blockchain.

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