Guide to pareto-prioritizing Twitter #ThreadMill


Probably, 20% of the tweets you read deliver 80% of the value of using Twitter.

You’d be a fool not to prioritize your feed.
Here’s how I do it.

(thread, 1/5)

2/ First of all, I set up a Twitter List of the 20 accounts from which I get the most value, and I pin it to my Twitter app.

This is my default feed. Because there are few accounts, I can find the time to read all their tweets even on busy days.

For the rest…

4/ Then, I set up a second digest with the next 20-40 accounts, timed to be delivered when I take my coffee break). On quiet days, I read it. On busy ones, I archive the mail.

The idea is that I prioritize the “info sources” to ensure the highest average quality for my info diet

5/ Before using that, I achieved the same result in the Twitter app by using 3 lists, one high-priority, one medium, and one low – and reading them in order, if I have time.

Mailbrew has the advantage that each list is in one email. It avoids mindless browsing in the Twitter app

6/ Moreover, you can set the frequency to every other day or to limit the number of tweets per account per edition to the top 3 by likes and retweets.

It’s not perfect, but it’s much better than relying on Twitter’s algorithm.

8/ The same, by the way, applies to reading books.

If 20% of books deliver 80% of the value, and re-reading a book gives you even just 10% additional value, say, then you’re better off reading the top 20% a second time than reading a random similar amount of books from the rest.

» NextBigWhat’s #Threadmill brings you curated wisdom from Twitter threads on product, life and growth.

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