Report: What really drives (Indian) single men wild online ? [Desi Boyz]

Bachelors in India go online at least once a week for everything from news (95 percent), sports (87 percent) and gossip or entertainment news (67 percent). The need for the pre-family man to be ‘in the know’ is driven by his fear of being less respected and lacking a cutting edge. Desi Boyz
Given this, pre-family men tend to browse quickly through information potentially limiting their decisiveness, activity and creativity.

An interesting finding in the study (conducted by Microsoft India*) shows that without technology, Pre-Family men anywhere in Asia feel naked as they use it to manage their daily lives. This is indicative of how planned their online behavior is, even down to what they use the Internet for, at different times of the day.

– The study reveals that Job and Family are the two key aspects that dominate the lives of Single Men in India, with 36 percent prioritizing job or career ahead of everything else on the list of priorities which includes family (14 percent), money (13 percent), love (12 percent), and friends (6percent).

– The research also highlights that for social networking, Indian men love their big screens with 65 percent using laptops on the way to work as compared to 30 percent using smartphones, and 56 percent on the way back from work compared to 35 percent using smartphones.

– The top three motivations for social networking for pre-family men in India include staying connected (49 percent), to be entertained (21 percent) and as a habit (18 percent).

Email is the leading online communications tool for men in India, as they use it to stay connected (28 percent), get things done (28 percent), and as a habit (24 percent).

– They play free social or app games (40 percent) more frequently than games on portable (20 percent) or home (20 percent) console devices.

Similarly,bachelors in Asia use an average of eleven email addresses, three smartphones, and various social channels to stay connected to their first loves: their jobs (if you are from IT industry, you should read this report: Bad News for IT Guys–80% Girls DO NOT Want to Marry YOU).

What’s your take on the report?

* Spanning six markets in Asia – China, Taiwan, Singapore, India, Indonesia and Australia – the Pre-Family Man study interviewed 4,200 young male bachelors where more than 1,000 of them were from India between the ages of 21 to 39 to better understand their online behavior. The results show how men in Asia use many different devices daily to engage and support their digital activities online for work, socializing and entertainment. The study also reveals how pre-family men plan their time online and use digital content and technology to help them achieve their goals.

image credit: wikipedia

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